The sky was the clearest shade of blue. Winds that smelled of fresh roses blew swiftly around us. This is the day that my daughter would take me to brunch and have a day filled with shopping adventures. Long days of bargain shopping were a ritual but this day would be remembered forever. I would put on the finest clothes, push my hair in an up-do, put on make up with perfection and pack my bag with goodies for my grandson.
My daughter was so proud that she's able to do pleasing things that would make me smile a mile wide. Our frequent calls to each other throughout the day kept us close and near to our hearts. Grandson would call to say, "I love you sweet cheeks". This was the name I was given as of a result of the many effects of taking prescribed medicines. My cheeks were so swollen that my daughter often said, "Anything that chunky must be sweet", therefore demeaning me "Sweet Cheeks".
The restaurant was filled with people. Ladies wore big yellow hats. Little girls spun with polka dot dresses. Men laced with tailored suits and shiny boots. Beautiful art hung from the walls with great precision. Chandeliers dangled from the ceiling and sparkled with every turn. My daughter was excited to see my piercing dimples that were brought on by my frozen smile. The drinks were served in Victorian style glasses. Deserts were covered in thick caramel and sprinkled with chocolate covered cherries. The jazz played softly as we ate. The piano, drums, saxophone, and horns filled the room with good entertainment.
We left the extravagant restaurant bellies full and charged for a day of shopping. As my daughter looked into my eyes I could only imagine how happy she was to share this day. She was glad to add just a little joy into my life that had tragically changed. This was our time to forget hardship and enjoy life. We shopped and closed the store down. Bags filled each arm and ranged in sizes; bright color bags with fancy shoes, little colored boxes with perfume bottles, and plastic bags that hung silk dresses with pretty little bows.
Who would have known that this would be the last day my daughter would share a laugh with me. That the same bag she carried hung the dress I would wear for eternity. She was proud, helpful, caring and always adoring of me. So when I look down upon her I see her smiling. She will always remember our last grand event and it would be treasured forever.
By: LaSha Dawson-Anderson
Copywritten 2006
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