About the Author
The author of this inspirational book about a little lamb named Pumpkin Spice is not just writing a fun tale but telling the story of her life. A loving wife, devoted mother, gifted educator, and tireless advocate for children with disabilities, Telmeko Ransom-Smith knows first hand what it is like to parent children with special needs. After receiving her bachelor's degree from Tuskegee University and master's degree in Special Education from Auburn University, she has dedicated her life's work to children with disabilities. Telmeko has spent over twelve years teaching and working as an Early Interventionist with children who have disabilities. She has worked with all ages of children ranging from birth to college.
Smith and her husband John have also fostered several children who were severely medically fragile, one of which has become a permanent member of their family. Telmeko is the mother of four children, three of which have special needs. "The character Pumpkin Spice is a representation of three of my children combined. This book tells the story of their day to day life and all of the things they have to do to endure and overcome", says Smith. It is Telmeko's prayer that this series of books about Pumpkin Spice, a little lamb with special needs, will give her children and your children an opportunity to celebrate disabilities. Through Pumpkin's Eyes is the voice of children with disabilities. These children are saying, "I'm just a kid, and I want to play, have fun, and make new friends. So, don't be afraid of me. When you see me, come on over and say hello."
"Through Pumpkin's Eyes" Book Promotion Party and Book Signing:
Friday October 30, 2009 at 7:00 pm
Apex Museum 135 Auburn Avenue Atlanta, Ga 30303
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