Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Interviewing Made Easy: You're Hired!

It’s often said that finding a job is a job itself; whew, such an understatement. But the process can be seamless with directed strategies to calm your nerves so that you stay focused on the goal ahead. Even when you have went on more interviews than you can count, job interviewing never seems to get any easier. With each job interview, you are meeting new people, feeling individuals out and selling your skillset. Sometimes, you’re often left wondering, did I respond to that correctly? Or did I completely answerthe question that was asked? Staying upbeat and personable is the best energy to lead with.   This can be a challenge, especially when you're interviewing for a position that you’re genuinely interested in.

Relax, there’s help on the horizon. As a Talent Advisor and Consultant I've learned a few tricks and I'm here to share my knowledge. Though my Interviewing Strategies are personalized to each individual due to industry specific alignments there are a few basic best practices that are interchangeable within all career levels. Let’s be honest; my advice for a Software Engineer are different than my Service industry professionals. But you’d be surprised how unprepared many individuals are for interviews at all levels. 

So relax, here's some helpful Tips to calm your nerves.

Create a Stellar Resume or TWO!

  • Post Resume on multiple sites; Indeed, LinkedIn, CareerBuilder, Monster and other industry specific sites...
  • (Update often) REFRESH your resume to the top of the pile.
  • Submit.Submit.Submit & APPLY. (In depth resume writing tips coming soon or inbox me to get ahead of the game)
Hot dog, we're getting calls! 📱📱
  • The Prescreen & Vetting Process. The first call is imperative that your listening and able to respond so if it's not a good time advice them that you will call them back. This will also give you time to do your research on the position that you applied for and how to answer questions. Afterall, as a Recruiter this call rules out more than 70% of individuals. WOW, that's truth for you!
  • Wooohooo!!! Interview scheduled. What's next! Research the position, print the JD (job description) as an reference, research the companies competitors. If the position list specific software experience that you have moderate knowledge on, refresh yourself so that you're conversational while speaking on it when the Manager ask. Please know that most companies will train you according to their specific training guidelines.

  • Think about those behavioral based questions. Most companies use the S.T.A.R Method (Situation, Task, Action, Result) Basically giving them an example of how you resolved a situation, what did you do and what was the result of it. We will go more in-depth later around these questions. Usually they want to see how you handled a certain issue, customer complaint or convinced a hard to please client or Manager into trusting you.

  • Prepare!!!!!!... Do we really need to discuss the obvious!!!! Map the location area, Print extra resumes, JD, arrive early and dress according...We all got that RIGHT? GEESH!!!!!!
Compensation Questions... Show me the money!

  • Here's a fact. According to Policy and laws this questions save many of us. An interviewer can not ask you what you're currently making. However, they can ask you what your expected compensation is for your next opportunity. Why do we need full truth in this area? I suggest you ask them up front, what the range is for this position? This is a lengthy questions so we will discuss this in more detail later. NEVER LEAVE MONEY ON THE TABLE!
  • More to come: Salary negotiations, Counter-offers (JUST RUN, nothing will change), Asking your worth, Cover Letters (Who needs them) & the on-boarding process.
Spotlight is on! Interview time...
- Sell your skillset.
- Don't over talk or ramble. - Speak to the question that's being asked. - Remember the S.T.A.R Method. - Ask questions about the company and/or role, BE ENGAGED! - Ask what the ideal candidate looks like for this role. This is usually a wower... It also gives you a chance to highlight any other stand out qualities they've failed to mention or want to revisit. - Keep in mind... Reframe from bad talking current or past employers OR citing personal issues.
******Closing...You got this! 🤑💰🤑💸
- Show interest
- Thank them for the opportunity.
- Send a thank you email.
- Connect them on LinkedIn
Leave confident and re-assured.
You're HIRED!!!

These tips and more from your HR Expert and Talent Acquisition Advisor giving you the GREEN 🚦light to be AUDACIOUS in your walk!

- Author LaSha Marie

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