We hold these same principles in our daily lives. As we enter the world we are sheltered, innocent, unflawed and UN-STAINED. Remember that feeling as a young child with bright ideas with a carefree mind; those times felt amazing. But as we grow in an earthly existence we learn that innocence is lost and life evolves and changes in time. Through those changing times we are affected by our STAINS. Rather it’s substance abuse, weight issues, low self-esteem, rape, divorce and many other life occurrences. All these issues leave STAINS upon us and many try to hide them; scrubbing away the pain and guilt by trying to bury all the STAINS under superficial things, objects items and people.
For a while I didn’t know what to make of my STAINS, so I created a false security of myself. I even buried some of them hoping they wouldn’t fully surface. Just as that rug, once we think we have cleaned one stain, sure enough another one appears; so we become creative in decorating to be less obvious. After all; STAINS are looked at as bad, tarnished, used. Who in the world wants to show that to the world? Each STAIN is your representative on how you view your life. Most likely at first we walk around upset, face frowned, disgusted at something so embarrassing and disgusting. We are so distraught that we push away people we love in fear of them discovering the STAINS.
Then one day, if we are lucky enough not to let the STAINS destroy us totally, we confront them. What gives us the power to finally face all the damages of life?...... Our need to be more than our stains; you start to want the "abundance" of life. And for me it was my relationship with God!!! Once we seek guidance in him (God/Spirituality) to help us Reveal and Release Our STAINS, is the only way we can truly accept and move on to a more glorified YOU. Now he doesn’t promise to erase these STAINS, those are life lessons; badges of tribulations. And in order to seek betterment in life we have to face some true facts first. Your relationship with God allows you to live with these STAINS at the surface, instead of burying them along with yourself in the process.
Think of your vessel and your relationship with God as a scotch guarded rug. That protectant is your Lord & Savior Jesus Christ. And as long as we are renewing our spirit consistently with him…he protects us even when we are approached with life’s spills; Jobloss (he protects us), Depressions (he protects us), Lusting (he protects us), Alcoholism (he protects us)….Anything that can tarnish our image made of him, he will protect us; as long as we’re seeking him first. But sure enough as the world is filled with SIN we will stray; allowing ourselves to become vulnerable, thus having more STAINS; then we’re back on our knees asking for direction and coverage to get through. God responds; that was your lesson to walk with me as your everlasting protector.
I’m now able to walk brilliantly with all my STAINS. Just as proud and SHINING to the world. I’ve learned that the STAINS didn't define me because there not within the fibers that created me. I certainly couldn’t walk through life inspiring, encouraging, uplifting others without his shelter and faith in me to overcome. He loved me enough to help “Reveal & Release my STAINS” and he can do the same for you. SHINE Through It All!!!!
"He doesn't need your open hand for his shelter; he just needs
the open mind that's receptive of his works"
New Book: “The Secret that Gave Me Wings”
Email: lashamariespeaks@gmail.com
By: LaSha Marie
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