Tuesday, February 24, 2015

"An Average American"

 I really wish I understood all the laws, locally, state, government or otherwise. Politics intrigue me but I could learn more. Different parties and their standings, the parties impartialness to world issues on poverty, education, hunger, immigration and international wars. We all want to gain knowledge on stocks and bonds, hedge funds and selling as the NSE looks profitable. 

I guess I'm too average of an American because i can't seem to think or wrap my head around complex processes meant not to help us average folks but instead keep us just below a drowning status... I'm sorry I can't get a blinking heart over misappropriation of information. 

I am American. An Average American.

I can't wrap my head around the CIA, FBI, NSA, DEA, how can I understand the intelligence when intelligence aren't meant to uplift our people. When our sons are being killed or lost in jail systems. Our education quality are based on class levels.. I'm sorry I'm the average American.

I can't think about tapped phones and emails being compromised... When my son is being profiled just for the color of his skin. Can we focus on how sex trafficking exist here in the USA and how a nickel bag of trees give more time to rapist. 

Let's focus that kids walk through war zones just to get to school... That the middle class still struggles with day to day living rather then investing... Family systems are hurting and teenage pregnancies are a result of increased promiscuity. That suicide is on the rise across all social systems and people are hurting and crying for help with screams not being heard. Kids are being abused and molested with a battling of a recovery. Our street are riddled with drugs, alcohol and brand labels that add no value....

I'm sorry I'm just an average American so maybe I can't be intelligent about all these intelligence systems... Cause we have yet to tackle the basic human rights for our people. 
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By: LaSha Anderson, Founder SHINEgirls Atlanta

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