Tuesday, December 2, 2014

2014 Vision and Updated Bio...

At a very young age LaSha was driven towards a caring nature. Taking apart of community events was greatly influenced within her family setting. From volunteering at nursing homes, area hospitals and Detroit’s chapter of the NAACP she developed an awareness of helping others. Her drive and creative vision kept her involved in High School and even receiving medical certifications at an early age. LaSha’s upbringing in Detroit, Michigan was diverse with challenges which led her to the love of writing. 

Afterwards, she would enroll at an HBCU in 1994, Alabama State University in Montgomery, Alabama. She admits that her time attending a Black college not only shaped her focus towards a Business Management career; it also gave her a sense of pride in being a woman of color. LaSha’s tenure at ASU led her to leading community activism projects along with fostering a passion for speaking.  She would then take the knowledge or sisterhood, self awareness and the history of those before us back to the inner city of Detroit. 

Not soon after returning to Michigan, LaSha found success within the Human Resources profession. Today, LaSha’s dedication and vision has grown much stronger than her HR and Talent Acquisition strategies through (Act-1, Randstatd, Medical Staffing Network) and is now apart of an RPO group which outsource to many fortune 500 companies such as; Bank of America, Coca Cola, ADP, IBM along with a host of others. Her professional career has allowed her to develop skills that she has been able to bring back to the community. 

As a transplant to Atlanta, Georgia as of 2005 her true calling is even more defined. With 8+ years within the staffing agency industry, she would birth her first company. In 2007, she opened, The Reliant Group Inc. a Metro Atlanta based medical recruitment agency. As CEO, she would use her HR methodologies and Sales knowledge to provide excellent consultant services.

As a Detroit native she understands the need to provide empowerment to underprivileged youth with a faith based approach to "Shining Through It All"(c) . Being the product of several tragedies in her life, she often encourages motivation and inspiration on subjects such as; sexual and domestic abuse, rape, depression, suicide, self worth, marital happiness along with many other labels that she has become a VICTOR despite all odds.

Today her focus is to create visions thought impossible within young minds, abused women and those overcoming tremendous odds. As an avid journalist she brings a clear picture to a wide range of readers. Her upcoming projects are; publishing her first daily affirmation book ("My Little Book of SHINE"), along with her life inspired biography ("Shine Through It All"); Including establishing a non-profit organization (SHINEgirls Atlanta) that assists inner-city youth and women with overcoming abuse, self-esteem issues and a host of other topics. She’s enthusiastic about sharing her struggles and triumphs while encouraging others that they too can have the brightest futures with endless possibilities. Nonetheless, her determination not to be a product of her environment and to succeed is her founding faith.

She hopes that her story will encourage others that followed her path. LaSha feels that these adversities along with having a dynamic family foundation are ultimately the blocks that developed her success today. To add to these accomplishments she also gives back to the community by lending her creative talents through the healing works of art and design. Her spiritual and faith based approach is the center of all of her productions.. LaSha is a grounded professional, aspiring novelist, respected columnist, resume writer & interview coach, and within her workshop settings; MOTIVATOR. LaSha is Wife of 9 years, Mother of two, Sister, Creative Writer, Public Speaker, and Entrepreneur. 

Her motto is: "He doesn't need your open hand for his shelter; he just needs the open mind that's receptive of his works"

My focus is to give back; simply give back to the community, to lend my creative gifts. Though I inspire and motivate, give life coaching, hold job placement seminars and organize creative arts classes for kids during the holiday season; my goal and wish has always been to give my First Annual 2014 ShineGirls Christmas Drive. Centered to provide underprivileged girls from ages 7-18 a little extra cheer during the holiday season.

Recent or upcoming event(s):
* Holiday art projects for kids and pre-teens
*Career and resume building skills
*Life coaching
*Writings on life subjects providing daily affirmations
*Public speaking on a varity of subjects that are christian based

More information regarding my bio, writings and contributions to the society both professionally and socially can be found at http://touchedhumor.blogspot.com

Inquires can also be sent to shinethroughitall@gmail.com.

"He doesn't need your open hand for his shelter; he just needs the open mind that's receptive of his works"

Wednesday, October 29, 2014

"Cleansing For The Soul"

It's easy to think, "what your not" or think negative by saying... "what you'll never be" or even look down on your present. We all know someone like that or this could be you at some point and time in your life. You ever find yourself overly criticizing the things you do? We're so used to believing we're not enough. So conditioned by life to think we're supposed to be more. But what is more? Sure we have goals, dreams with a destination in mind. It's when we look and trust in ourselves, our path, our faith is when we understand that we are where we should be at this moment. Even in despair we have to face that obstacle in order to grow, learn and find strength to conquer all. It doesn't mean that God wants to keep you there. Hes' simply saying: Master the NOW, acknowledge your falls but find JOY in the present.....so we can move forward and fly higher with a defined destination in mind. He didn't make us perfect but he promised that he'll lead us if we follow.

There was a time i thought life damned me. I even questioned why life was so hard. But with growth  and knowing God, i had to accept that it was only me at fault. Isn't it so easy to blame everyone else but "yourself". We should all learn to trust... where you are...; so you can find that burst of fire driven mentality for the next path he's designed JUST FOR YOU.

You can't dwell in the "Why Not's", "Have Not's", and all the "Aint Got's". If you rejoice in where you are (even at the bottom)... you will never find the GLORY in the destination he's ordained to take you. Free your mind:..... If you don't like it....CHANGE IT! If you find life repeating in negativity.....CHANGE YOU!!
It's your "MIND" that takes us where we should be. It's our "Hearts" that will keep our butts right where we are. TRUST, GROW THEN SHINE.

Let me explain the HEART Led life. I believe the devil tricks the heart as it's the most vulnerable. We often think that if someone loves us; life will be better. If i find a husband; my life will flourish.....or If i give my love deep enough someone will give me back. In actuality, If you can't love you, give you, accept the you that's here and now.... You can't possibly find it in anyone else and someone surely won't see it in you. Value thyself as it will surely gleam to the world. Yes, we can find all the JOYS in life if we are leading with a "PURE" mind and spirit which will dictate what a healthy Heart deserves.

It's a work still in progress, MY BOOK and dedication to all my sexual abuse/rape survivors: "Through a Battlefield and Into My SHINE".

"He doesn't need your open hand for his shelter; he just needs the open mind that's receptive of his works"

  Copy written title and story by LaSha Overstreet-Anderson 2014.