With tears in my eyes I pray, I pray that God heals a soul that’s in limbo. I ask that he presents a path of self-righteousness and ever-loving belief in this being (vessel) called ME and YOU . I humbly speak blessings amongst the storms that many are going through. I raise my hands and ask for him to teach me, show me, attest in me that a renew is possible. I ask that he provides strength in me to ignite a passion to others with my motivating spirit. That as I write these words and as others read these words, we will understand and trust the power within you.
That no hole is too deep, That no past is too troubled and no force is strong enough to break the spirit you have given us Lord. I’m a believer in you. I’m a student in your sheltering arms…Help us see (our potential), Help us rebuild (our spirit), Help us breakdown (walls of doubt), Help us SHINE (beyond our dreams)….SHINE alittle bit more towards our unlocked potential and greatness. He is mine.. He is yours and together our vessels will humbly submit unto the will of you Lord.
Here’s the excellent thing about having faith. You don’t have to be anointed, you don’t have to sit on a pew, you don’t even have to be a genius of the bible; but as long as you believe in his working power, it shall be done. Sinner, no sinner; it shall be done. No matter how far you’ve trotted off his path…and UNDERSTAND…because you’re his child, that path will forever be unwavering. He wants it all, so give all to him and it shall be done and that’s HIS PROMISE NOT MINE.
I’ve done, I’ve escaped , I’ve misused, I’ve resisted, I’ve lost and I’ve held onto too much baggage for far to long. And the feeling of being lighter and seeking upliftment feels amazing. The battle is still being fought but the battlefield with Jesus beside me will forever be a winning fight. Take joy in your blessings today; take shelter in your blessings of yesterday but SHINE proudly amongst your blessings that’s yet to come. I say, depression will not hold me, my past abusers cannot capture me…I’m determined to SHINE THROUGHT IT ALL and as women and girls of astute character; you should too.
Just an Inspiration of Praise:)
LaSha Overstreet Anderson